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Writer's picturemdecker66

Keeping Your Dog Calm During Fireworks or Thunder

Updated: Aug 13, 2019

Few things are sadder to watch than your beloved canine trembling in fear during a thunderstorm or fireworks. Some of us are lucky and have a pooch who is oblivious to the sound - mine were, until a storm blew up the transformer in our yard and destroyed a number of electrical appliances as well. After that, they were basket cases, hiding in the safety of the bathtub whenever a storm came up.

As heartbreaking as it is to watch, there are a few things we can do to help alleviate their suffering.

1. Close the blinds to keep out the flashes of light. Leave the lights on to help subdue what little light comes in around the edges.

2. Play loud music. Studies have shown that reggae music is actually calming to dogs! The music will help to drown out the noise coming from outside.

3. Use a thundershirt, or make one yourself. Wrap an ace bandage or stretchy scarf in a figure-8 pattern around your pooch's torso, much like a big hug. This will help them feel secure.

4. Distract with a game. If he's in the mood, play indoor fetch or other games with treats.

5. Allow your dog to hide while keeping tabs on his location. If it feels good to hole up in the closet or bathtub, let him.

6. Remain calm. Reassure your dog without mirroring his stress (teach this to your kids too). He takes his cues from his people.

7. DON'T GO OUTSIDE with your dog during the thunder or fireworks. Not only will this elevate his stress level but a panicked dog can do amazing things when it comes to freeing itself to run away. Social media is splattered with posts of missing dogs who run away during fireworks. If you feel he needs an outside visit, wait for a break in the noise and make it quick. He'll get his exercise the next day.

Hopefully some of these measures will assist you in reassuring your best friend that it's not the end of the world.

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