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  • Writer's picturemdecker66

Our Favorite Places to House and Pet Sit for Free

Updated: Jun 24, 2019

We've done a fair bit of traveling, and we're always open to trying out a new place almost anywhere. But some places of this old world draw us back time and time again. Here a few.

Jersey Shore. I'm a Jersey girl and have spent a lifetime on Long Beach Island. LBI and I go back to 1967 when my parents built a house there, and anytime I can, I go back to the island. Winter, Summer, and "Locals Summer", as it's called when the tourists leave. Got a need on LBI? Sign us up!

Coastal California. South, mid-coast or San Francisco and north. Love the dry air and the laid back vibe. Capistrano, Pismo, Morro, wine country. We could spend a whole year going up and down the coast taking care of fine homes and beloved pets.

New England. Once again, especially the coast. But a Green Mountain morning is pretty nice too! We take care of homes and pets throughout the northeast US.

International Sits. We've sat in Europe and the Caribbean. And we're always open to invitations for the future.

Where to next? We're wide open. But if there is a homeowner in need of our services in any of these wonderful places, we're always interested!

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